If out of Islam ,must we will be turned to hated by all an us with after death,
>make sure confidence option satisfaction with religion honest,
Rongdhonu shundor,

Title:their mentality,Content: Ismaili said_why u hate my daughter?_u..told_I have no interest,ismaili told ,do u known ,how rich we r ?maybe out of Islam,that's not matter for us,then u..told_ asholei akkebarei duinombore,have u crysis any kind of purush manush,plz u may go now,then Ismaili told_u r nobody but yet I apresheat u because our daughter wants u just for enjoy>maybe be few times,vegina of my daughter,how fell,kesa lagrehe_I say_agula keno bolsen?ismaili told_ look,then I saw others site,then ismaili told_o shet,listen_abbe poor man maybe u have no idea_maybe u will be happy,if we want finish u,_what do u think,?u.. told_I think_>Poisson is not medicine for man,then he tell_abbe_normal man_life is just for enjoy,religeon then when oldman_then u..say _that's your think,again Ismaili told but ummot...... slowly he finished from their knowledge,but few year's later__again and again they try to kill,question>who loved and hated to ummot,but ummot pattai daine!is that fault ? _backwards__Facebook_ummotjoha,

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